Today has been 'one of those days'. One of those days you wake up feeling tired. One of those days you are late for work because nothing you put on feels right and when you look in the mirror you don't see yourself. One of those days you spill the last of the cereal on the floor and forget your lunch. One of those days you don't feel welcome at work. One of those days you feel compelled to sit under the desk but know it wouldn't be approved of so you stay slumped in your chair. One of those days not even a raspberry brownie can heal. One of those days talking to your mum makes you sob in public, sitting under a tree and one of those days you walk back in to work with puffy red eyes.
But today has also been one of those days that a letter from your mum can set your heart fluttering, and the pictures of rabbits with speech bubbles included have you giggling out loud on the bus, and the parsley seeds inside fill you with excitement and anticipation. Today has also been one of those days that you are sure of the fact that you are loved and supported. Today has also been one of those days that a text from your sister can fill you with so much love you can almost feel the hug of it.
Today has been one of those days full of emotion and feeling.
Today has been one of those days that you are reminded of the yin and yang of things.
Today is one of those days you are unbelievably glad that the good comes with the bad.