Monday, October 10, 2011

The end is in sight, in a good way

Today has been a strange day. At 12am we got woken up by the police knocking on the door, they had the wrong address. I couldn't get back to sleep for ages after that surreal excitement and then slept in late. Actually, I'm not sure I want to outline my entire strange but boring day. I'm behind on an essay and have had to ask for an extension. Unfortunately this means I now have less time to do my other essay. I got my second draft for my research report back today it was covered in blue ink but thankfully it's mostly just silly mistakes with grammar etc. I got a major ego boost today, I ran into possibly my favourite undergrad lecturer who has been on sabbatical. For one thing she recognised and remembered me, for another thing she was happy to see me and best of all she said my supervisor told her I had been doing really well this year :-) I feel so flattered and proud! Even though I think all my lecturers are great it is her and my supervisor I have the highest regard for they are both so incredibly intelligent and and insightful it is such an honour to have them be impressed by my work :) That being said I have a lot to do before the end of the month and I have very little motivation today. On the up side Charlie is reading my essay for the second time today and is helping me with this one really frustrating part that just doesn't quite fit and once we sort that I can hand it in which leaves one social theory essay on third wave feminism and a final edit of my research report. The social theory essay will be really interesting and really hard brain work which I am going to enjoy as much as possible and the report is just some tidying up which is awesome cause I so often doubted that I would finish it. The end is in sight!

1 comment:

  1. YAY YOU ARE A CLEVER ONE. So good to hear( read? confusing myself!) you being all positive and happy and can do-it-y. Yes I almost an English major again... who could tell from the way I talk though :) NO ONE.
    I am prooooud of you. Plus I'm going to start constructing sentences in my head that oh so casually name drop things like "my best friend the sociologist", "my best friend, who like, has an honours degree in Sociology..." :) :)
    Very excited.
