Monday, October 10, 2011

Judging a blog by its cover

As you may have noticed (my one and only reader lovely Beth) I have changed my blog designy layouty thing. I just felt like a change (and accidentally deleted all the personalisation's I had done to the last layouty designy thing) and the doodles on the sides of the page remind me of the margins of all my exercise books, I think they're quite fitting and I think they're cute too. Also I feel like I have been taking myself a bit too seriously this last year and just need to chill out a bit and have a bit more fun with what is left of this experience (my honours year).


  1. Meuraggggh change! Don't like change...uergle. But it's very pretty :) I do like the pictures however a survey or your core readers concluded that white on blue was a bit hard to read... :) They suggest blue on white?
    Of course you can always just tell them to shove it :)

  2. Also I like getting mentioned :) It makes me feel special and a bit famous :)
