Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Every body needs love

I have always thought of myself as having a healthy body image, I have never been particularly concerned with my appearance, but everybody has those days when they just don't like who they see in the mirror. And so I still have some lessons to learn when it comes to loving myself inside and out.
Kjerstin Guys (an amazing woman), has helped me on this road by beginning a series on her blog called 'Healthy Body Image Wednesdays'. This Wednesday was the first and she began by sharing 10 steps to positive body image and I absolutely love them!

I love these steps because anybody could benefit by taking them, including me. 

Appreciating all your body can do, is something that is really important to me, having a brother with severe physical and intellectual disabilities I have always been acutely aware of the fact that my body can do things his can't, but appreciating my body for being able to do those things is another step I sometimes struggle to take. That being said, lately when I am feeling particularly anxious, noticing all my body is able to do (despite the anxiety) is a great comfort to me. I love the way my body breathes, whether deeply or shallowly, no matter what and I love to walk and feel my arms swing at my side without consciously telling them to.

There is so much I could say about each of these steps but I want to give myself time to really consider them, I don't want to rush in and then forget all about them tomorrow. I want to work on the way I view myself, not just my body but all of me, I think that maybe I deserve more love from me.

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